October 15, 2010

Coming out to my daughter...

I decided tonight was the night I was going to tell my older daughter(she's 14) that I am gay.  I put the little one to bed, called her  downstairs and softened the blow by offering her cookies and milk.  Cookies and milk!  Who can resist that?!

We stood in the kitchen eating our cookies.  My voice shook as I explained that I've always questioned my sexuality, and that I dated a woman before I got married. I told her that recently these feelings came back to the point where I'm sure now that I am gay.

She was a little amused, at this point I think, smiling because she was nervous and it was surreal.

She asked me what this means for our family.

"I can't stay married to a man if I'm gay, honey," I said.

She cried on my shoulder so much that the sleeve of my sweater was soaked.  She and my husband are so very close and she wanted to know how he was dealing with it. I explained that he supports me fully and that we are committed to maintaining a peaceful home and continuing to be best friends. 

It was the most difficult thing I have ever done.

At the end, she said, "Mom, I get it. It's who you are and you can't change that. It's just a lot of information to take in at one time."

"By the way," she said on her way up the stairs, "Those cookies will forever be known as the gay cookies."

For more information about coming out to your children, please visit the COLAGE website at http://www.colage.org/resources/coming_out.htm


  1. This was lovely. Reminded me of a lot of the times I've come out...though I've never had kids to come out to. You are awesome and your story is one that's important to tell--and coming out can be really exciting! It's nice to be at peace with who you are.

    And the "gay cookies" was totally brilliant :)

  2. That was touching. It sounds like it went very well for you. I am very much enjoying your story as it progresses.
